- Contactpersoon:
- Martin Koek
- Muziekstijl:
- Metal
- Website:
- E-mail:
- Telefoon:
- 06-13313877

Live opnamen
2004 the beginning of a new sound for the first members of Salvador. A rocking band that started with drummer Frank Randau, gitarist Marco Vlot and bass player Martin Koek. They found eachother at Jamsessions that were held at stichting Slim. Betteko was the voice of Salvador at the time but ........nothing last's forever but the certenty of change right? In between 2004 and 2006 lot's of things changed. Key player Tim Ouburg joined the band wich changed the sound to a more symphonic rock band and not very long after that Betteko flew west to embrace her destiny at the time. Nancy Bijland did not hesitate to embrace her's and replaced her as vocalist of the band. Hell yeah those were good times... The fire burned within us all witch brings me to the second gitarist Martin Bijland. He could see the smoke rising from miles away. Well o.k two doors away ...were he was playing in his black metal band Brandhaard. Ha but he did see it and wanted to be part of it. And so he was.The wind of change again past us by and carried Tim, Marco and Frank on it's wings to a different place and time. Gerhard Goene replaced Frank on the drums and Marco came back after a mindtravel that made him play even more intensly. Yeah, nothing is invain. Those were some good years. With this formation we recorded a demo with the help of Antikriss and we did some gig's were Yvonne Helleman took pictures. New songs were written and the fire never went out. For a few months Mario joined the band as gitarist and wrote the music for our new song Snakebite. After a few years behind the kit Gerhard desided it was time for him to leave the band and Marcel replaced him one week after. And so Salvador lives on and on and on. Ride on and Rock on!!
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